Disney Heroes Battle Mode Chapter

Previously, Wreck-it Ralph and Vanellope von Schweetz traveled into a 'game' in a beta stage. Once in, they transformed into powerful fighters. Unsure of what to do next, they were cornered by a group of creepy foes and a green glowing Mr. Incredible. But with the help of his wife, Elastigirl, who was not possessed, they were able to defeat them with ease. Unfortunately, their celebrations were cut short when Vanellope becomes possessed herself, joining the foes, and causing Ralph and Elastigirl to flee from the mob.

Disney Heroes: Battle Mode - Ducky and Bunny. I can't thank everyone enough for your patience with me while I slooowly get through this chapter in my life. I'm itching SO HARD to get back into drawing Tokos and Kukus and my esk but I just. Right now and it's crushing me so hard XD SOON, I PROMISE!

'What do you mean that this isn't a game?' asked Ralph, still incredulous, 'What is this, some kind of odd universe we're in?!'

'Apparently,' said Helen, 'Why do you call this a game?'

'Because Vanellope and I were at the entrance of this- UGH!' Ralph groaned, 'That's not important! What's important is that we need to find Vanellope and your husband and find a way out of this place!'

Ralph looked outside of the boarded window, and saw that the coast was clear. Everyone chasing them was far gone.

'Now what do we do?' Ralph looked back at Helen, 'Coast is clear… but we won't be knowing for how long.'

'Alright.' said Helen, 'While those goons are away, we should go survey the area, see if there's anyone we could find who is NOT possessed.'

As soon as the duo reached the door in which they have first entered, they start hearing the goons from before on the other side, making eerie noises.

'Goons…' Helen quietly yelped.

Ralph peeked from outside the boarded window, seeing a blue ninja and a blue mage walking past the entrance. He knew that if they went out now, then they would be spotted. Ralph turned back to Helen, 'There's gotta be another way out…'

The duo crept away from the door and into the dark halls. They walked throughout the halls, trying to find a secret way out of the building. Suddenly, Ralph stubs his toe on something, causing him to fall on the floor.

'Arrrgh…' he quietly cried, nursing his stubbed toe.

'You okay?' Helen asked, coming down to his aid. Then she looked at the object that made him stub his toe. 'It's a door knob…' she said, 'Maybe… it can lead us underground and somewhere away from here!'

'You don't say…' said Ralph, still in pain.

Helen tried to open the rusty door knob; the door revealing a giant hole that goes deep underground.

'You're kidding!' Ralph complained.

'Let me see how deep the hole is.' said Helen, having her leg reach way down into the whole. Her leg felt dirt, rocks, and earthworms along the way down. Eventually, it reached the very bottom of the whole. 'If I were to guess, it's probably 100 feet underground.'

'100 feet?!' Ralph gasped.

'Shhhh!' Helen shushed him, 'Yes. It may be deep, but it's probably the only way we can leave without getting caught by those goons.'

'Goons?' Ralph asked, 'I'm not sure if I can call them goons, no.. Creeps! Creeps are more like it! Yeah, I'll call em creeps!'

Helen rolled her eyes, 'Whatever… This is our only option.'

'Woah woah,' Ralph tried to argue, 'I've gotten hurt too much. There's NO way I'm gonna-'

Before he could finish, Helen jumped down the hole. Her body opened up as if it were a parachute, creating a soft landing for her.

'Of course…' Ralph sighed.

Helen looked up to see Ralph looking down. 'Alright! Now you jump down!' she called to him.

'Are you kidding me?! If I do that, I'll hurt my bottom!' Ralph protested, still worried of getting hurt, holding his rear.

Helen sighed, 'Then I'll catch you.'

Ralph groaned, 'I weigh 643 pounds, lady! I'm gonna crush if you if you catch me!'

'Just jump and I'll catch you!' shouted Helen.

'Fine…' Ralph groaned. He walked a couple steps away from the hole. Viewing how deep it is, he took a breath. He peeked again and saw Helen inflating into what would look like a mattress.

Without any moment of hesitation, Ralph bounced down into the hole, plunging down there fast. What would seem like only 3 or so seconds…


Ralph landed on his rear, unscathed, yet the impact created a crater. 'Hey!' he said, 'Not bad!' Ralph looked around to see where Helen was, but she was nowhere. 'Hello? Lady, where are you?'

Then he heard some muffled moaning from underneath him. He realized that his extreme weight squashed the elastic superheroine. Getting up, Helen breathed heavily.

'Told you I was gonna crush you…' Ralph said to her.

Helen rolled her eyes. Standing back up, they start to wander through the subway tunnels, looking around for any source of life… or light, whichever.

'So… um… how did you end up here?' Ralph asked Helen, curiously.

'I have no idea…' said Helen, 'All I remembered was going to sleep last night with my husband, that strong man you saw earlier…' She closed her eyes, thinking of what happened after she fell asleep. 'And then suddenly, I wake up in the middle of a street! And Bob… I heard his voice… but I didn't find him until you guys showed up… And he was glowing green, infected…' A tear fell from Helen's eye as she took off her mask and rubbed it with her glove.

Ralph stared at Helen, sympathetically. 'Gee… I'm sorry that happened.' he said, 'Losing your loved one to something terrible is… what else? Terrible! Especially since that something is greeny, and glowy, and infectious to whatever it touches! It's kinda like… a virus!'

'Virus, huh?'

'Well yeah.' said Ralph, 'Twice I fought viruses that would've took over a system of what sort. One was an arcade virus that was created and fused from a wacked-up attention-hog race car driver and hungry insects.' Ralph shuddered when he remembered when he had to defend Sugar Rush against a Cy-Bug attack. 'And then the other one was an insecurity virus… Tried to take my best friend with him…' Ralph reminisced the time he created a virus that nearly ended the internet.

Helen stared at Ralph, studying what he had explained to her. 'You do sound like you're from a video game…' she said.

'Yeah, I came from the arcade game, Fix-it Felix Jr.' said Ralph, 'Probably have never heard of it.'

Helen shook her head.

'Guess you don't play video games that much…'

'Well if I have heard of you, it would've been from Dash.' said Helen.

'Who's he?' asked Ralph, curious, 'Is he another relative of yours?'

Helen stepped over a puddle as she folded her arms. 'Dash is actually my middle child; my oldest son.'

'Huh.' said Ralph, 'You must have a bunch of children up in your hands.'

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'Well, Bob and I have three children.' said Helen, 'Besides Dash, we have Violet, our oldest and only daughter, and Jack-Jack, who is a baby. I'm just as concerned about them as I am for Bob.'

Ralph nodded. 'That's cool.'

As they kept on talking and walking through the subway tunnels, they see a faint light up ahead.

Helen points out to it. 'Over there!' she said, running towards it.

'Hey, where are you going?' Ralph called over to her. When he didn't get a response, he chased after her. Helen flipped, or stretched, her way out of Ralph's sight. 'Hey! Lady, slow down for a minute! Where are you going-'

Suddenly, Ralph enters a dilapidated station. The scenery and feel of it was old, and looked like it could be renovated from the works of Fix-it Felix's magic hammer. Cobwebs were seen beside benches, columns, and fallen-down vending machines. There was also chipping paint and cracks on the walls and floors. A bunch of flies and maggots were flying underneath nearly-dimmed lights on the ceiling. Up between two columns, read a sign that says 'Origin Station'. On another column, it read an entire subway map. The line Origin Station was located on was the Sunrise Line. There were a couple more subway lines, but they were all covered in dust.

Right at the other end of the station, Helen was observing a broken escalator. 'I think I've found the exit.' she said to Ralph.

Ralph hopped up from the tracks and waltzed over to her. 'You sure?' he asked, 'How do you know that there aren't any creeps swarming the entrance?'

'We'll find out once we leave the exit.' Helen turned around, 'As far as I know, there won't be much of a threat than where we were.'

As they were speaking, some blasts and yells were heard from upstairs.

'Or they can just appear now.' Ralph sarcastically said.

Helen rolled her eyes again and ran up the escalator to find the source of the sounds.

'Wait!' Ralph tried calling after her, 'Don't you think that we should see what abilities and powers we need to be steer clear of before we check it out?' But it was too late, as Helen was already well on her way to find the source.

Ralph growled in frustration, before firing his hand, balled up in a fist, to a column. The impact of the punch destroyed the column beyond repair, with chunks of it scattered around the floor. Some of them landed on the subway tracks.

'I hate today…' Ralph grumbled.

As the gentle giant stormed across the subway station and up the escalator, he hears a loud…


Ralph turns to see the Origin Station sign, fallen onto the floor, split in two. Ralph stared at it for several seconds before awkwardly waltzing up the escalator, trying not to pay any more attention to the broken sign.

As soon as Ralph turned from the corridor, he sprinted across the subterranean second floor and ran up a giant staircase, equally dilapidated and dusty as the station was.

'Up here!' Helen beckoned Ralph, 'I could use your assistance!'

Ralph catches up to the stretchy-superheroine, as they both see a horde of blue ninjas. The ninjas were busy destroying the station building, slashing signs with their katanas and jumping on the walls to destroy wall decorations. Some of them took out old light bulbs and tried to shake them, to see if they still work. When they were near the point of uselessness, they threw them to the ground.

'PURGE THE ERRORS!' yelled one of the ninjas, which caused the rest of the ninjas to yell the same line as their fellow ninja did.

The ninjas look over to see the duo. Instantly, they glare at them, jumping down from the walls and ceilings and readied themselves for fighting position.

'Grrr…' they growled in unison, 'ATTACK ALL ENEMIES!'

'Can we take all of them?' asked Ralph, nervous about fighting them again.

Helen smirked and winked at Ralph, 'Don't worry. We can do this!'

Just as they were about to fight off the horde of ninjas, two blue brutish creeps appeared out of nowhere. They wore an orange bandana on their heads, a brownish gray shirt with orange straps and their sleeves ripped out, and pants of the same color. They were also barefoot. The brutes held paddles.


'MUST CLEAN CODE!' the brutes both yelled, tapping their paddles on their hands, standing in front of the ninja horde.

Helen and Ralph looked at each other. They wondered what they were gonna do now that the ninjas had gotten backup.

'FREEZE, CREEPS!' someone yelled.

A shot of cold, freezing ice froze the brutes. Everyone's attention was focused to see a man of African descent, wearing a white and light blue superhero suit. He also had on a white visor. He was the chilly superhero, Lucius Best, under the superhero alias, Frozone!

'Lucius!' Helen called over to him, 'Am I glad to see you here!'

Lucius smiled at Helen. 'Looks like we have the advantage!' he said to the duo, 'Follow my lead!'

Lucius blasted another blast of ice towards the ninjas, knocking one of them out.

One of the brutes thawed themselves out of the ice. 'Looks like it's our cue!' Ralph said, hurrying towards the brute. 'I'M GONNA WRECK IT!' Ralph threw his fists towards the ground, stunning the brute.

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Helen ran over to Ralph and Lucius' aid and faced the horde of ninjas. One of the ninjas drew his katana and whisked it in front of her. Helen saw this and immediately dodged their attack. In retaliation, she punched it away from her.

The ninja landed on its feet. It turned towards Ralph and jump kicked him in the face. Ralph yelled in pain, and then punched the ninja. The ninja flew over towards a column, knocked out.

The ninjas growled at the duo when they saw their fallen friend incapacitated. Another ninja slashed its katana towards the frozen brute, instantly thawing it.

The brute, along with its other brute friend, who regained the energy from Ralph's fist slam, whacked their paddles towards Lucius and Helen, causing them to lose their balance.

Lucius retaliated with another blast of ice. The brute dodged the ice blast, and whacked Lucius with its paddle again.

'Take this!' Helen yelled at the brute, before stretching her arm and punched it to the ground. Meanwhile, Ralph jumped up high and landed on the horde of ninjas. The tremor's impact knocked most of them out.

A surviving ninja jumped in front of Ralph and slashed him with its katana. Ralph winced in pain, but he slammed the ninja with his fists, knocking it out.

Lucius and Helen were facing the brutes. The brutes tried to whack them with their paddles again, but Lucius blasted another blast of ice, freezing it. Then Helen knocked it out with her stretchy arm.

The other brute charged over to the duo, readying to smack them with its paddle. Before it would do that though…


Ralph grabbed the brute by the arm and launched it towards the ceiling. The brute flew in the air until it hit a nearby clock, knocking it out.

With the enemies defeated, the trio surveyed the area, searching for any more creep of what sort. When all was quiet and sound, they all turned to each other.

'So… what now?' asked Ralph.

'I don't know…' said Lucius, 'We're all stuck here and-'

Suddenly a glow appears from out of nowhere, in front of the trio. For a couple of seconds, the trio readied themselves into fighting position, ready to combat any creep that appears in their vision.

However, what looked like a creep, was actually a treasure chest.

Ralph crept over to check it out. 'I wonder if there's some kind of medal in there…' he said. When he opened it up, it revealed a chest full of…

'Badges?' Ralph asked, confused, picking up a badge that had a white skull inside of a black spade. He pondered of what they looked like, until he had a realization. 'I think I know what these are!' he said to the trio.

'Really?' asked Lucius, 'What do they do?'

'These badges may actually be power-ups that we could use!'

Lucius and Helen looked at each other, confused. 'Is he some kind of-'

'He says he's from a video game.' said Helen, 'I don't know. He must be enthusiastic about all this.'

Ralph walked over to Lucius. 'Let's demonstrate on you first…' Ralph placed the skull spade chip on Lucius' chest.

'So… now what?' asked Lucius.

On cue, the badge started glowing. The glow of the badge got brighter and brighter, until soon enough, it disappeared. Once it disappeared, Lucius smiled.

'Hey, I feel much stronger already…' Lucius said, 'You really must know much about video games, huh?'

'Yeah.' said Ralph, 'Fix-it Felix Jr. is where I'm from. But I've been to a lot of other games, and I've known a lot of the material, especially with fighting games.'

'And?' asked Lucius.

'And I'm pretty sure that this game, or this universe, as you would call it, is a fighting-type game. I'm pretty sure that with your techniques of fighting, and my knowledge of games like these, maybe… we can, as they say it back where I'm from, progress on further.'

Helen and Lucius looked at each other, confused. Helen turned back to Ralph. 'But how are we gonna find Bob and my children?' she asked him.

'I'm pretty sure the more we progress, the more we find more people to ally with.' said Ralph, 'It's either easy, or difficult, depending on what the gameplay is like here.'

Helen shrugged, having no choice but to trust a random guy who, apparently, has knowledge of video game-esque qualities and features.

'Okay… so now what?' asked Lucius, still confused on what to do.

The trio looked at each other for a few seconds, and headed towards the exit.

'There has to be some kind of way to get out.' said Helen, 'If there's a way!' She turned to Ralph, 'Is there a way?'

Ralph shrugged. 'Depends.' he said, 'Every game has to have an off button, or something to turn the game off.'

Everyone started pondering on what they should do next… Either play along with the game, or find a way to get out.

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About Disney Heroes: Battle Mode: Join the battle in this action-packed RPG starring Disney and Pixar heroes from The Incredibles, Wreck-It Ralph, Toy Story, Zootopia & .. Read More >

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  1. • New! from the Hundred Acre Wood, Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore from Disney’s Winnie the Pooh!
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Latest Versions

  1. Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 1.17.02 (Updated: April 6, 2020)
  2. Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 1.17.01 (Updated: April 2, 2020)
  3. Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 1.17 (Updated: March 31, 2020)
  4. Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 1.16.10 (Updated: March 10, 2020)
  5. Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 1.16.01 (Updated: February 28, 2020)
  6. Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 1.16 (Updated: February 25, 2020)
  7. Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 1.15.5 (Updated: February 6, 2020)
  8. Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 1.15.4 (Updated: February 4, 2020)
  9. Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 1.15.2 (Updated: January 21, 2020)
  10. Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 1.15.1 (Updated: December 20, 2019)

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